World Church President Ted Wilson Shares A Story About Deaf Man Ricky During Sermon at GC Session

Elder Ted Wilson, the President of the World Church of Seventh-day Adventist, shared the story about a Deaf young man named Ricky during his sermon at General Conference Session in San Antonio, Texas:

“”I think of Ricky, a deaf-mute young man from Riveralta, Bolivia, whose prayers were answered after he began to study the Bible on his own. According to Winston Sarzuri, East Bolivia Mission Personal Ministries and Evangelism Director and Robert Costa, associate GC Ministerial secretary, Ricky came in contact with the church and its Biblical teachings through the Internet. In the public school where Ricky studied there are several other young deaf students. Among those students without disabilities, there was a faithful young Seventh-day Adventist girl who was asking God how to share with her classmates the love of Jesus, His saving power and the joyous hope it brings. When she realized that Ricky was really interested in studying the Bible, she pushed herself in record time to learn sign language in order to witness for Christ. As this faithful girl shared Jesus with Ricky through sign language, he accepted Christ and all our fundamental beliefs. He became a strong disciple and a Bible instructor who taught the Advent message to eight other deaf students. Last April, all the deaf students from that school attended an evangelistic series in Bolivia led by John Bradshaw of It Is Written. The local government leader in charge of the deaf attended the meetings to translate in sign language and was impressed that our church was interested in the deaf group and she is now interested in Seventh-day Adventist beliefs! She and her deaf husband are in contact with our local pastors to obtain Adventist materials for the deaf. Let’s always show interest in groups with special needs. Take time for those in special situations with whom you can share Christ and this precious Advent message. As a result, a new congregation is on the horizon with many potential deaf-mute as members in Santa Cruz, the largest city in Bolivia. Last April, Ricky was baptized. He came out of the water with glad sign language gestures, telling the world how happy he was to give his life to Jesus.”
