Close-up of the main house at CDC. Blake’s stayed there with one or more students/faculty eating or staying with them. The school had about 260 acres out in the Arkansas Ozarks area. Very pretty, but came with jiggers, poisonous snakes, some very hot weather and a few tornado warnings to add spice to life!

After two years Blake returned to hearing pastoral work for a time, then to a mix of Hearing and Deaf Ministry.

One of the many Milo Camp meeting Friday night communion services held in the Milo Academy church (LtoRight) Mike Johnson, Chuck McGehee, Alfred Griffith and David Trexler
This is a treasured time at the Milo Deaf Camp Meetings!

In the control room at Gospel Outreach during recording sessions. 2 new deaf programs recorded each year that are shown on 3ABN, HOPE & LLBN satellite stations