West Kenya Union Conference Camp Meeting for the Deaf Report
The West Kenya Union Conference camp meeting for the Deaf was held at Kamagambo Adventist College on August 16-22, 2015. 93 deaf people attended, 18 were baptized and 52 graduated in the VOP Discover Bible school.
Kampala -Uganda Camp Meeting for the Deaf Report
The first Kampala -Uganda camp meeting for the Deaf held on August 23-28, 2015 was very successful. It was held at Bugema High School. Over 50 Deaf people attended and 16 of them were baptized. The guest speakers were Pr P. Muasya, Pr H. Maina – deaf, Elder R. Mutahi- deaf and Sister Witness Tsuma.
East Kenya Union Conference Camp Meeting for the Deaf Report
The East Kenya Union Conference Camp Meeting for the Deaf was held at Kilifi School for the Deaf on August 9-15, 2015. Close to 200 Deaf people attended, 35 were baptized and 63 graduated with Diploma from the VOP Discover Bible School.
Reported and Pictures Shared by Pr Muasya M. P. , EKUC VOP/Special Needs Ministry Director