The Mission to the Cities prayer map is a tool you can use to pray for all 585 of the cities with populations of a million or more worldwide. The total population of these cities is about 2,056,000,000. If the deaf and hard of hearing make up 5% of the population, then the total number of deaf and hard of hearing people just in these 585 cities is more than one hundred million people.
Consider on downloading the prayer map and use it to pray each day for the deaf people in one of these cities. After you pray for one city, you can check it off, and the next day you can come back and pray for the deaf in one more city until you have prayed their way around the world.
Here’s the link to download the maps: https://missiontothecities.org/prayer-map-download
Jeremiah 33:3 “Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.“