by Mrs. Safi Bakano,
SNM/APM Coordinator
North East Congo Union
March 31, 2020
Since August 2018 up to today, Adventist Deaf Ministry in North East Congo Union( NECUM) – Goma – has grown to an active group of 84 deaf. 47 are of them are already baptized in the Union.
We have Bible studies with the Deaf according to the Gospel Out Reach program and they are very blessed.
We have a program of French sign language interpretation training with church members. Up to today we have 10 sign language interpreters in the churches in Goma.
We organize each quarter a Sabbath for Deaf ministry awareness. Our Union is very large, we need pioneers for Deaf ministry so that this ministry can reach all our Union.
We are thankful to the union and division leadership for supporting the deaf ministry.
During the Total Member Involvement, the Deaf were involved in the church program and they helped to bring other Deaf to Christ.
Because of Corona Virus crisis, people are following Sabbath program on radio because we do not have television for our union.
The Deaf feel left out by the radio program and I have decided to divide them into small groups of 6 with one interpreter for Bible study. They sit at a distance of 1 meter as recommended.

The Deaf and their leaders in Goma, Congo

The Deaf with Mrs Safi Bakano, NECUM APM Director, front right)