Source: Gospel Outreach Deaf Newsletter
Some time ago, “A Better World Canada” [ABW] said that they could become involved in a ‘one time’ project for the Deaf. With consultation, it was decided that ABW would be able to supply $10,000 for a boy’s dormitory at the new Kakinada Special Needs School in Kenya.
In the pictures above you see the new dorm and another long classroom building. This is an Adventist “Special Needs” school and at the moment the emphasis is on students who are Deaf.
In the picture below you see the current Kakinada, Kenya, student group sign singing at their new school!
“A Better World” is a local Alberta NGO type of Adventist charity much like ADRA Canada. Our thanks go to two special donors who gave the $10,000 and Eric Rajah, who along with various AWB staff, spearheaded this special project . This is now the 2nd school in Kenya featuring special work for the Deaf. The first one is the Mwata school in the Kisii area. Earlier, it received considerable funding that was funnelled to that building project through ABW.
This now brings the total number of SDA schools for the Deaf to four with the third one located in the mountains of Mindano in the Philippines and the 4th in Southern India as part of the SULADS student missionary program associated with Mountain View College in Mindanao.