In 2019 Kenya Had Two Special Needs Camp Meetings, one for the East Union Conference and one for the West Union Conference. The camp meetings work on a two year cycle: the one year has a single large combined Unions camp meeting, and the next year follows with two separate camp meetings. This year there were two separate camp meetings.
Between the two camp meetings it is reported that there were a total of about 800 Deaf in attendance.

Overall the Deaf Ministry work is growing in Kenya. Now there are the two SDA schools that work with Deaf. The camp meetings are a high point in the lives of SDA deaf in Kenya. Last year we had a training session for our African GO workers during the 2018 camp meeting with over 20 deaf workers attending.
A major reason for the growth is because of the love, care and continued backing of the East Central Africa Division Special Needs Director, Paul Muasya. For over ten years he has worked with the deaf Kenya coordinator, Henry Kamau.
This combined effort of the church leadership and our GO deaf workers has born much fruit. We praise God for this progress.

Henry Kamau and his family congratulate Paul Odera and his wife on their recent marriage. Paul works with three public schools for the Deaf. There are 337 baptized SDA Deaf in his district which includes four deaf church groups.