The General Conference Executive Committee voted to appoint Elder Jeff Jordan as Honorary Associate Coordinator for Deaf Ministry within the office of Special Needs Ministries. “Honorary” because he will continue as a pastor for the Deaf in Georgia Cumberland Conference. The conference has given him time to serve as global consultant, trainer, evangelist, revivalist, speaker for/with the Deaf. Travel expenses will be covered by the General Conference.This is a first for a deaf pastor to be appointed by the General Conference to assist in the rapidly expanding global Deaf work. It is estimated that there are about 250-300 million Deaf in the world of which only 2-4% are Christian–truly an unreached people group.
Reported by Dr. Larry Evans,
Assistant to the President for Special Needs Ministries
[Deaf, Blind, Orphans, and those with Physical & Mental Disabilities]
General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists