Submitted by Isaac Ofori Nsiah from Ghana

Bible discussions with Brother Kingsley Owusu at Kwadaso in Kumasi. Brother Kingsley was an Adventist but he stopped coming to church over a year ago due to financial difficulties and some issues he described as personal. Through my continuous correspondence with him, encouragements and visitations, he has started coming to church.

A visitation with Paul Barfi, a colleague GO worker to a Non – Adventist friend by name Robert who has been battling with Prostate Cancer. In addition, we shared the Gospel, prayed with him, and gave him some encouragements during this hard time of his ailment.

A visitation and prayers with a young Non–Adventist Deaf who works as a tailor at his workshop located at Fawode, a town near Kumasi. We took this just after the prayers and he was very happy because he stated this was his first experience when he started working.

After Bible discussions and prayers with two brothers who lived around Atimatim and Mamponteng, both towns are suburb of Kumasi.

Leading in a sermon presentation on the topic, “We will soon see our Maker”.

A young Adventist mason whom for over a year now not been coming to church but upon continuous visit and prayers with him, he has started coming to church, may the Lord be praised.