ADMI’s Coorinator Pastor Larry Evans’s Presentation at GC
Pastor Larry Evans gave a presentation on Special Needs Ministries with an emphasis on the Deaf. You can view the presentation notes with slides here.
What is a General Conference Session? Go to to read more.
Letter from Pastor Larry Evans on General Conference Session Livestreaming
For sometime we’ve been in discussion with the General Conference Session Planning Committee and Hope Channel with regards to the “possibility” of live-streaming the programs that will be held in the dome in San Antonio. I just received word that it will be a reality!! The interpreters that we are providing for the Deaf will be seen as they interpret the program in ASL. The interpreters will be seen in an insert box alongside the regular programing. Deaf from around the world will now be able to join in with the world church during the General Conference Session. I think I can hear you saying, “Amen!!” The actual business session will not be broadcast for anyone but all other programs will be viewable through our newly established Deaf website ( As you can imagine, there is a fair amount of technical complexity involved with such a production but it is being worked out with little or no cost to the Deaf ministry budget. I do want our Deaf community to know that the General Conference and Hope Channel are working hard to provide for the global Deaf community. I, for one, am greatly encouraged by their growing interest and enthusiasm that is being shown. It would be appropriate for you to send letters and emails to the General Conference administration and to Hope Channel affirming their support if that is how you feel.
The first General Conference booth for Deaf ministries will be in place in the exhibit hall at San Antonio as part of the GC Session. We will be partnering with Gospel Outreach but our booth will be recognizing all supportive Adventist Deaf ministries from around the world. We are hoping a representative from each division will spend sometime in the booth. If you plan to be in San Antonio be sure to stop by at booth #C1105. Featured in our booth will be the four major areas that ADMI (Adventist Deaf Ministries International) will concentrate on in the coming years: Outreach, Nurture, Fellowship and Leadership Development.
We are still working on establishing a Deaf internet channel. That too is coming along in a miraculous way. Hundreds of hours of excellent programs seems to be available — past and future. Some exciting developments are under way for children as well through our GC Sabbath School Ministries Department. There are many questions especially when we realize that there are so many different sign languages (over 400). Opportunities are greater than any stumbling blocks we find along the way. We will begin small but please know, we have the “world” in sight.
We will share the link for the coming GC Session’s live-streaming as we get closer to the time, but please share the word. We don’t want to leave any Deaf person behind regardless of where they live!
Larry Evans
General Conference Session 2015 Updates by Nohelani Jarnes
The 2015 General Conference Session is happening July 2-11, 2015 in San Antonio, Texas. The GC Session is always an exciting time for our Adventist Church! Larry Evans serves as the coordinator for Adventist Deaf Ministries International. The Sign Language team for this year’s Session is Nohelani Jarnes (Nohe) as lead interpreter along with Darrell Strait and Grace Ann Ashley.
This year at GC Session, all meetings presented will have the option of being interpreted into American Sign Language. For program details and schedule, please go to To find the schedule, go to the first page of the website and scroll down towards the bottom. Under the box on the right side titled “Tentative Schedule.” Below, there is a link to view the program times. Also at this website you can find information about hotels in the area, information about the Alamodome (where the GC Session main meeting will be) as well as the convention center where all other meetings will be held. Also at the convention center you will find many booths of different things to see including a joint booth for Adventist Deaf Ministries International and Gospel Outreach. This ADMI booth will have various division representatives running it. Another booth that will also be at the convention center is 3 Angels Deaf Ministries.
If you are interested in attending GC Session meetings, you must hurry and get your hotel rooms reserved soon! With lots of people coming to San Antonio for the meetings, hotel rooms are running out. The local shuttle service is called “VIA Shuttle” and if you want a ride from the hotel to Alamodome, you can ask the hotel if they are near the VIA Shuttle line.
It’s a good idea to bring good walking shoes and water bottles! The Alamodome is about a 15-20 minute walk from the convention center where booths, exhibits, and classes will be held. Be prepared for lots of walking!
We are looking forward to seeing you all at 2015 GC Session!