CANADIAN PICTURES: Mostly Middle Years Pictures

Uncategorized February 16, 2021
Alberta Blake teaching a signing class at the Calgary Central church about 1986.

B. Volk and “Red” team interpreting during a special “Deaf Day” at the Bentley SDA Church.
Master Control in 2000 at the Clinton church gym as record Trexler’s 26 evangelistic programs
Elder Paul Kelly teaching a SS Class at Harmony Church in Toronto in the late 1980’s
Edmonton, AB – Deaf Convention
Having an SDA Deaf Ministry booth in Edmonton. Greg Greenwood (from Calgary) with Leah Nahirnick (Edmonton) sharing their faith. It was noted that the only other Deaf Ministry booth was a nice one by the JW’s!

In Kananaskis Park, hiking in the snow during our Deaf Ministry Retreat weekend
A Deaf Ministry Retreat Weekend staying at the Wilson Lodge complex in Kananaskis Park, and here up a mini-mountain having a good look around.
Bruce Buzzel, Camp Hope presenter, with George Stothart, signing instructor, at the abandoned “Train Tunnels” near Hope- where most Deaf went on Sabbath PM. You can see two tunnels in the background – a very nice place on a hot day!
Sign Singing at the main camp meeting auditorium at the end of the Signing/Deaf Ministry class week. Each day the signing class would practice a song. At the evening meeting on Thursday night, the class would sign a song while Darlene Reimche voice sang the song.
At the end of the Deaf Camp Meeting, we would transition into a Signing Class with Alberta Blake &/or George Stothart teaching. The last weekend of the regular hearing camp meeting we would work to provide interpreting for the few Deaf who might still be around to attend. Here Vicki Manzuik, who used to work much with deaf people in the Fraser Valley, is helping with interpreting for Nancy Brown.