The 9th annual Southern Deaf Camp Meeting took place at beautiful Cohutta Springs Convention Center in north Georgia August 6-‐10, 2014. The theme was “God With Us” with Alan Meis (Holly, MI) as the main speaker. A total of over 150 people (another new record) came from various places (fifteen from Barbados came) to hear Alan and Neil Davidson (Chula Vista, CA) preach. It was a privilege to have Neil come and meet with many of us! Special recognition was given to him as the first Deaf SDA pastor to be hired (Southern California Conference) in 1960, but, sadly in 1968, the conference let him go because they did not value the importance of ministering to the Deaf. Neil’s faithfulness is an inspiration to us all. He did not leave the church or his God despite the feelings of rejection. We know his reward will be in heaven, when those will come to him and say “Thank you” because of the seeds he planted in their hearts! Live streaming was provided again over the Internet for those who couldn’t come to camp meeting.
The Deaf Young Adults for Christ, DYAC, joined us this year. They had their own workshops with Chuck McGehee (Vancouver, WA) as their speaker. Adventist interpreters joined our camp meeting and also had their own workshops with Darrell & Lorna Strait (Loma Linda, CA), and Nohe Jarnes (Sumner, WA). These two special groups came from all over the country to join Southern Deaf Camp meeting. A total of about 20 deaf young adults and 12 interpreters attended.
During the afternoon break out activities, individuals had three options: join a Bible class with David Trexler (Lanham, MD), take a health class with Bethany Adner (Indianapolis, IN), or participate in outdoor activities (torpedo boat rides, swimming, riding the zip line, ride the big flying chair, or go horseback riding).
We celebrated the Sabbath with communion service and inspirational testimonies, Friday evening. We enjoyed a spirit filled Sabbath School and worship service Sabbath morning. After lunch, our large group gathered at the front of the lake and witnessed five individuals as they were baptized! Our time together was filled with sweet fellowship filled with the Holy Spirit. Our hearts are filled with encouragement ready to return to our many different states and countries. It can be very lonely and isolating to go back to our homes.
We are looking forward to next year’s camp meeting.
-Reported by Pastor Jeff Jordan