CANADIAN PICTURES: Mostly Earlier Pictures

Uncategorized February 14, 2021


About 1986 the Christian Record had a segment of their blind camp for the Deaf. There were 6 deaf campers.

However at the talent night program it was hard for the Deaf to do what was meaningful for the blind, and visa versa. The actions of the Deaf were voiced for the blind, and what the blind did signed for the Deaf. But the instrumental from the blind was difficult to make meaningful for the deaf.

Activities in the week included archery, horseback riding, swimming, rocketry, etc. Special thanks went to Mrs. Prosser and Ron Whitford who helped with the camp.


Another activity in 1986 was a Deaf Ministry workshop held at Casey’s Cabin beside Canadian Union College.

Special presenter by video was Pastor W. Erickson, Professor of Deaf Ministry at Western Evangelical Seminary of Portland. He had held a workshop in Edmonton, AB and his tapes were used in our Sept. 86 workshop.

Don Corkum, Alberta Conference Personal Ministries Director was also a special speaker.


Attempts were made to reach out to Deaf, not only in Alberta, but in BC. This was a trip to the Vancouver,

BC, area and included- (L to R) Mike Johnson Jeremy & Heather Meunier, Judy Johnson & Luke, Dorothy Crombie & visitor friends, Ravi Coughlan and Alberta Blake. This picture was from 1994.


Video taping in Canada began when Blake’s were in McBride, BC, between 1979 & 1982. Alberta would sign for their two deaf children while her husband preached and was seen in the top right corner with Alberta in most of the picture. Gradually, some deaf began to buy video recorders-expensive by today’s standards!

Blake’s continued with video while in Arkansas at CDC between 1982 & 1985. When they returned to Alberta, they produced a short series of cable TV programs in Red Deer Alberta. These were later shown in Edmonton, Calgary and on 3ABN. Shown to the right is Mrs. Blake signing a children’s story to Michelle and Jonathan Oslund. Dr. Bissell is probably the one at the camera, and Stan Sharman was in the control room.

Video taping a ‘live’ Evangelistic series in Georgia with Pastor Jeff Jordan in 1999.

By today’s standards, everything was rather primitive. Without a professional teleprompter, the script was taped to the drum in the picture, a camera then picked up the moving drum, while someone had to turn the drum keeping up with the reading needs of the presenter.

Video taping a series of 8 Amazing Health Facts programs using Dr. Neil Nedley’s material as presented by Alfred Griffith. Taping was done in the Bentley SDA church basement.

Video taping the Jesus Life Story series at the Mountain View SDA church in Arkansas with Allen Meis. Chip Doss was the basic producer shown here standing beside Allen in about 2013.


Camp meetings were held at Hope for about 17 years. Shown at the right was the camp meeting with Chuck McGehee as presenter. Elder and Mrs. Art Griffith were also able to be there-front right!

Thompson Kay speaker at Hope

George Stothart teaching the signing class offered during the week of the regular hearing camp meeting following the deaf mini-camp meeting

Han Hong, who so kindly assisted with our Deaf Ministry days with the Surrey church in the Fraser Valley and then allowed us all to come to her home for a lovely fellowship supper!

Pastor David Trexler during an evangelistic series in 2000 in Toronto during the Bradford evangelistic meetings just before the GC session.